Dienstag, 15. Juni 2021

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Huge protection: passes CE Level test at 6. N (the pass level is 9kN or less)! Max H x W: 375mm x 285mm. The new Forcefield Isolator offers the best CE . They are now a footwear protector that will protect your Sneakers. Force Field NYC to test this protector out and . Shop FORCEFIELD Back Protector ProL2K/EVO W-239-P1806107.

We offer Fast shipping, coupon and Webike Point discount program. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Forcefield Pro Sub Back Protector at the best online prices at eBay! Revised and improved.

The Pro Sub 4K passes the CEtest at an amazingly high (sub 4kN) protection level. Also known as the Forcefield Freefit, this CE Level chest protector can be inserted. The design is layered and passes the very latest chest protector CE test. The Pro L2K Dynamic passes the CEtest at an amazingly high protection level, with Forcefield DRI-M Technology (Dynamic, Reactive, Intelligent Materials) .

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